Organic recycling

Vermiculture: The cultivation of worms, especially in order to use them to convert organic waste into fertilizer.

In short, we take organic materials (such as food waste) diverting them from landfil and turn them into useful organic fertilizer products that in turn are used to grow delicious, healthy food.

We ship worm casting products to Victorian residents only. For worm tea products, please visit us in person at any of the following markets and nurseries.

*Cafes and restaurants - Please contact us at if you’d like to get involved with us taking your organic waste away in an environmentally friendly way.

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Cursus Amet
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How vermiculture works…


We grow various strains of Oysters depending on the time of year and climate. Our favourite types are available all year round however.

Oysters offer such lovely variety and have such a unique texture. They’re great cooked as part of a meal or just fried on their own.


Famous for their role they play in many Asian style dishes, Shitakes have a beautifully light texture that is matched with a strong flavour.

Perfect for stir-frys and in dumblings or they go perfect in pasta sauces or caseroles.

Lion’s Mane

A bit of a wonder mushroom, not only does it taste amazing with it’s full textured feel. Lion’s mane is also proven to help with human brain and nerve function.

We like to lightly coat ours and then cook them like a schnitzel. These mushrooms will change your view on what a mushroom can be forever.